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Chinese translation for "displacement measurement"


Related Translations:
elastic displacement:  弹性位移
rotor displacement:  转子偏移
displacement hull:  排水壳体排水型船体
displacement type:  排水型
current displacement:  电流位移
ganglia displacement:  残余油滴驱替
fluid displacement:  流体驱替流体位移
displacement behavior:  换位行为取葱为
displacement divelopment:  顶替展开法
displacement coefficient:  排水量长度系数排水量系数
Example Sentences:
1.Research on displacement measurement based on bragg gratings
2.The design of a large displacement measurement system in the hostile environments
3.Test method for crack - tip opening displacement measurement of metallic materials
4.Angle displacement measurement
5.Nano - meter displacement measurement by phase analysis of fringe patterns obtained by optical methods
6.Making some modification , the sensor also can be used for micro - quiver and micro - displacement measurement
7.Especially under the condition of micro displacements of reflector , the mathematical model of displacement measurement is established
8.( 5 ) programs to analyze the results of displacement measurement based on self - mixing interference effect are presented by use of matlab and delphi
( 5 )分别用matlab和delphi编程仿真分析了自混合干涉位移测量结果。
9.In the displacement measurement based on the principle of laser interference , the gaussian quadrics fitting algorithm is used to fix the central position of facula and raise the location accuracy
10.Micron and nanometer displacement measurement technology is widely used in the field of mems assembly , ic manufacturing and packaging , ultra precision process , etc , and its development trend is high speed and high precision
微纳米测量技术在微机电系统( mems )装配与集成、集成电路( ic )制造与封装、超精密加工等领域广泛应用,并朝着高速、高精度方向发展。
Similar Words:
"displacement margin" Chinese translation, "displacement mark" Chinese translation, "displacement marks" Chinese translation, "displacement mass" Chinese translation, "displacement matrix" Chinese translation, "displacement measurement test" Chinese translation, "displacement measuring instrument" Chinese translation, "displacement mechanism" Chinese translation, "displacement meter" Chinese translation, "displacement method" Chinese translation